Lettered SJ

Autor: Stephan Jürgens, AIJP

Stephan Jürgens

A small curiosity at British Stamps from the Victorian era are the "corner letters". This is a small ego-driven study to learn more on the classic British stamps.

The "corner letters" indicate the position of the single stamp in the complete sheet. It surely helps the printer to identify the position in case of printing errors, but beside these I did not see any real purpose behind these - sheet reconstructions, as many collectors are doing them, could not be in the mind of Sir Rowland Hill, since stamp collectors and thier crazy ideas did not exits before the first stamp was issued.


MiNr Year D Colour wmk perf SG Remark
MiNr Year D Colour wmk perf SG Remark
1 a 1840, 6. Mai ONE PENNY tiefschwarz Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
1 b 1840 ONE PENNY schwarz Wz. 1 2 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
1 c 1840 ONE PENNY grauschwarz (abgenutzte Platte) Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
2 a 1840, 6. Mai TWO PENNY dunkelblau Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
2 b 1840 TWO PENNY blau Wz. 1 5 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
2 c 1840 TWO PENNY mattblau (ultramarin) Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
3 1841, 10. Februar ONE PENNY rotbraun Wz. 1 8 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
H. Archer Versuchszähnungen
4 a 1841, 13. März TWO PENNY blau Wz. 1 14 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
4 b 1841 TWO PENNY dunkelblau Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
4 c 1841 TWO PENNY mattblau Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
4 yb 1841 TWO PENNY blau Wz. 1 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
dickeres lavendelblaues Papier

Perforated, Stars in the upper corners

MiNr Year D Colour wmk perf SG Remark
MiNr Year D Colour wmk perf SG Remark
8 A a 1854, 28. Januar ONE PENNY rotbraun Wz. 1 K 16 17 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
8 A b 1854 ONE PENNY gelbbraun Wz. 1 K 16 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
8 B a 1855, Januar ONE PENNY rotbraun Wz. 1 K 14 24 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
8 B b 1855 ONE PENNY gelbbraun Wz. 1 K 14 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
9 A 1854, 1. März TWO PENNY dunkelblau Wz. 1 K 16 19 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
9 B 1855, 22. Februar TWO PENNY dunkelblau Wz. 1 K 14 23 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
10 A 1855, 15. Mai ONE PENNY rotbraun Wz. 3 K 16 26 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
10 B 1856, 10. Januar ONE PENNY rotbraun Wz. 3 K 14 40 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
11 A 1855, 20. Juli TWO PENNY blau Wz. 3 K 16 27 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE
11 B 1855, 20. Juli TWO PENNY blau Wz. 3 K 14 34 Buchstaben in den unteren Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE

Perforated, Letters in all four corners

MiNr Year D Colour wmk perf SG Remark
MiNr Year D Colour wmk perf SG Remark
16 1864, 1. Arpil ONE PENNY dunkelrosa Wz. 3 K 14 43 Buchstaben in allen vier Ecken
17 1858, Juli TWO PENNY blau Wz. 3 K 14 45 Buchstaben in allen vier Ecken
Weißer Strich unter POSTAGE und über TWO PENCE

The Stamps

Michel Nr. 1

Lettered SJ

1840: 1 d QV black "One Penny Black", lettered SJ, cut in at all sides, cancelled by heavy black Maltese Cross.


Michel Nr. 3

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, Alfabet 2, VFU 4 large margins, unplated.


Michel Nr: 3, SG 8

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, cancelled by London post mark, good to wide margins allaround.


Michel Nr: 3

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, cancelled by numeral 34, good to wide margins allaround.


Michel Nr: 3

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, cancelled by numeral ?88, good to wide amrgins at three sides, touched at left.


Michel Nr: 3

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, "Double S", cut in at all sides, cancelled by light Maltese Cross.


Michel Nr: 3

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, Plate 24, three good margins, cancelled by black Maltese Cross.


Michel Nr: 3, SG 8

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, Plate 24 wide to xtra wide margins, cancelled by light Maltese Cross.


Michel Nr: 3

Lettered SJ

GB 1841 1d Red Imperf - Plate 21 - Black M/C - Lettered S J, 4 margins. Sound condition. Lovely, crisp black Maltese cross.


Michel Nr. 4

Lettered SJ

1841: 2d blue, imperforated, lettered SJ, three good margins, slightly cut in at left.


Michel Nr: 10

Lettered SJ

1855 1d, lettered SJ, cancelled by numeral 447, very slightly off centered.


Michel Nr: 10

Lettered SJ & SK

1855 1d, lettered SJ + SK, cancelled by numeral 884, horizontal pair,off centered.


Michel Nr: 10 B, SG 29

Lettered SJ & SK

1856 1d, lettered SJ + SK, perf. 14, scissors cut at bottom, plate 29, Alphabet III, cancelled by Liverpool Spoon (a very destinctive Duplex cancel), horizontal pair on piece.


Michel Nr: 16

Lettered SJ/JS

1858 1d, lettered SJ/JS, Plate 190, cancelled by numeral 84, slightly off centered.


Michel Nr: 16 / SG 53

Lettered SJ/JS

1858 1d, lettered SJ/JS, Plate 78, cancelled by an Edinburg BRUNSWICK star, a little bit off centered.


Michel Nr: 16

Lettered SJ/JS

1858 1d, lettered SJ/JS, Plate 199, well centered.


Michel Nr. 27

Lettered SJ/JS

1865: 1 Sh QV green, lettered SJ, used with numeral cancel 89, watermark Emblems


Michel Nr. 36

Lettered SJ/JS

1870: 1/2 d QV rose bantam, lettered SJ, used with numeral cancel 94


Michel Nr. 38

Lettered SJ/JS

1872: 6 d QV brown, plate 11 lettered SJ, used with numeral cancel 466, slightly shifted perforation, one short teeth.


Michel Nr. 56 / Scott #79

Lettered SJ/JS

1p Victoria, red brown Position SJ


Michel Nr. 63

Lettered SJ/JS

6p Victoria, grey, Plate 16, Position SJ, slightly decentered


Michel Nr. 74

Lettered LN

Wait, you said "Lettered SJ". This collection is ego driven, so I decide, what is in. And this has a nice perfin "S&J", so I think it qualifies as a Queen Victoria stamp with the letters SJ ... Challenge: prove me wrong.

1.4.1884 mattpurpurviolet or 2 d Lilac, SG 189, letters L N, used


The Covers

Michel Nr. 1

Lettered SJ

1840: 1 d QV black "One Penny Black", lettered SJ, full margins, tied by red brownish Maltese Cross to letter from MILNTHORPE JA 23 1841 to Preston, Lancashire.
Google Maps ScreenShot Milnthorpe -> Preston


Michel Nr. 1

Lettered SJ

1840: 1 d QV black "One Penny Black", lettered SJ, full margins, tied by black Maltese Cross to worn letter from Penrith AP 6 1841 to East Grinstead.
Google Maps ScreenShot Penrith -> East Grinstead


Michel Nr. 3

Lettered SJ

1841 1d, lettered SJ, good margins allaround, tied by numeral 84 to cover backstamped CANTERBURY SP 20 1850 (in blue).
Google Maps ScreenShot howletts


Michel Nr. 16

Lettered SJ/JS

IRELAND: 1858/1876 1d, lettered SJ, tied by numeral MONKSTOWN 336 to envelope to Liverpool
Google Maps ScreenShot Monkstown -> Liverpool


Michel Nr. 16

Lettered SJ/JS

1858/1876 1d, lettered SJ tied by London duplex, addressed to Birmingham, arrival cds on reverse.

Wenn ich je etwas zur "Social Philately" mache, wird dieser Brief wahrscheinlich eine größere Rolle spielen ...

Google Maps ScreenShot Milnthorpe -> Preston


Michel Nr. 30

Lettered SJ/JS

1871, Envelope franked (in tariff) with 6d mauve Platte 9 (SG 109) addressed for Naples with red oval PD and L1 on front. On reverse a weak offset of the London Duplex cancel and also an red cds "NAPOLI 2 SET 71" asarrival.


Michel Nr. 38

Lettered SJ/JS

and Italian Michel Nr. 21

1872, Envelope franked (in tariff) with 60 c violett from the Italian De La Rue series tied by dotted numaral "207", cds "ROMA 25 SET 72" alongside, addressed for London m/s endored via Belgium with red "LONDON EC 20 SP 72" and black "LONDON W SP 30 72" arrvals on the reverse. Readressed to Genuu with 6 d QV brown, lettered SJ/JS, tied by London S.W. duplex cancel with "GENOVA 3 OTT 72" arrival on reverse, again readdrssed to Spotorno (a few km west of Genoa) with arrival on reverse. Signed Alberto Diena and Paolo Cardillo. Some faults, nevertheless a rare two country franking.
Google Maps ScreenShot Rome -> london -> Spotorno



Deutsches Reich Michel Nr. 355, 358, 373 and 387

Perfin Sparkasse Jever

Wait, you said "Lettered SJ". This collection is ego driven, so I decide, what is in.