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Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800

Brill; Leiden, 2014

Autoren: Wim Klooster Gert Oostindie

Schlagworte: Curaçao


Linda M. Rupert : Inter - Colonial Networks and Revolutionary Ferment in Eighteenth - century Curacao and Tierra Firme
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014
Han Jordaan : Patriots, Privateers and International Politics: The Myth of the Conspiracy of Jean Baptiste Tierce Cadet
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014
Ramon Aizpurua : Revolution and Politics in Venezuela and Curacao 1795 - 1800
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014
David Geggus : Slave Rebellion during the Age of Revolution
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014
Gert Oostindie : Slave Resistance, Colour Lines, And the Impact of the French and Haitian Revolutions in Curacao
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014
Karwan Fatah-Black : The Patriot Coup dEtat in Curacao, 1976
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014
Wim Klooster : The Rising Expectations of Free ans Enslaved Blacks in the Greater Caribbean
in: Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795 - 1800 Brill Leiden 2014