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Postal History Journal Number 159, October 2014

Postal History Society, APS Affiliate No. 44; East Schodack NY, 2014

Autoren: Postal History Society

Lagerort: American Philatelic Congress

Schlagworte: Postgeschichte Postal History Society, APS Affiliate No. 44 Geschichte The American Philatelist / The American Philatelic Society


Giorgio Magnani : 1843 Letter from El Callao
in: Postal History Journal Number 159, October 2014 Postal History Society, APS Affiliate No. 44 East Schodack NY 2014

# Schiffspost # Genua # Peru

Yamil H. Kouri : Blockade Mail, Cuba 1898
in: Postal History Journal Number 159, October 2014 Postal History Society, APS Affiliate No. 44 East Schodack NY 2014

# Cuba / Kuba

Robert B. Bramwell : Keeping Up With Your Customers: Changing Mail Service Areas Indicating by Lists of Letters Remaining for Post Offices on the New York Frontier, 1790 - 1820
in: Postal History Journal Number 159, October 2014 Postal History Society, APS Affiliate No. 44 East Schodack NY 2014

# Vorphilatelie / Altbriefkunde # USA / Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika # New York

Dale Speirs : The Persistence of Post Offices: A Case Study of Crowsnet Pass, Alberta, Canada
in: Postal History Journal Number 159, October 2014 Postal History Society, APS Affiliate No. 44 East Schodack NY 2014

# Canada / Kanada