Aus meiner persönlichen Bibliothek

Buch Cover

The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016

The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques; Schwalmtal, 2016

Autoren: AIJP-Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques

Schlagworte: AIJP - Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques


Wolfgang Maassen : Letters to the Editor - not always a pleasant subject
in: The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016 The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques Schwalmtal 2016

# Journalistische Praxistipps

Wolfgang Maassen : MonacoPhil, the Tenth: Tradition obliges!
in: The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016 The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques Schwalmtal 2016

# Wichtige Ausstellungen und Messen

Mark Bottu : New York 2016: more than 100 Years young
in: The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016 The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques Schwalmtal 2016

# Wichtige Ausstellungen und Messen # New York

Wolfgang Maassen : NOTOS 2015: a slightly different Exhibition. And a Success?
in: The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016 The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques Schwalmtal 2016

# Wichtige Ausstellungen und Messen

Wolfgang Maassen : The Consilium Philatelicum of the German Federation of Philatelists (BDPh e.V.): Tracker and Conservator of the History of German Philately
in: The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016 The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques Schwalmtal 2016

# Philatelie / Philateliegeschichte

Wolfgang Maassen : The History of the Müller - Mark Archive: A Serial Detective Story!
in: The Philatelic Journalist Number 149 March 2016 The Philatelic Journal of the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques Schwalmtal 2016

# Geschichte