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perspectives ASIA - Political Analyses and Commentary - Politics of Food

Heinrich Böll Stiftung; Berlin, 2017

Autoren: Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Schlagworte: Lebensmittel / Wein Asien Heinrich Böll Stiftung Heinrich Böll Politik


Feifei Cai : Chinas overseas agricultural investments: Not what it appears
in: perspectives ASIA - Political Analyses and Commentary - Politics of Food Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin 2017

# China

Weeda Mahran : Gendered food insecurity: The legal an social foundations for womens food discrimination in Afghanistan
in: perspectives ASIA - Political Analyses and Commentary - Politics of Food Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin 2017

# Afghanistan

Florentinus Gregorius Winarno : Street food in Asia: An industry that is much better than ist reputation
in: perspectives ASIA - Political Analyses and Commentary - Politics of Food Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin 2017

# Lebensmittel / Wein

Shefali Sharma Ginger Fletcher Santillan : The limits of industrial food strategies and alternatives
in: perspectives ASIA - Political Analyses and Commentary - Politics of Food Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin 2017

# Industrial

Abid Suleri : Zero political power for zero hunger in Pakistan: How food security is undermined by political power plays
in: perspectives ASIA - Political Analyses and Commentary - Politics of Food Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin 2017

# Pakistan