Aus meiner persönlichen Bibliothek

Buch Cover

POLONUS 581 - December 2020

Bulletin of the Polish Philatelic Society; Benicia, CA, 2020

Schlagworte: Polen


Zdzislaw Maka Henryk Monkos Marcin Wysocki : Characteristics of Covers Bearing the "Wodzowie" Issue
in: POLONUS 581 - December 2020 Bulletin of the Polish Philatelic Society Benicia, CA 2020

# Polen

Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski : Polish Mail Flown by Zeppelin Airships
in: POLONUS 581 - December 2020 Bulletin of the Polish Philatelic Society Benicia, CA 2020

# Polen # Zeppelin

James Mazepa : Value (Money)Letters in Poland 1918 - 1939
in: POLONUS 581 - December 2020 Bulletin of the Polish Philatelic Society Benicia, CA 2020

# Polen # Postanweisungen