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fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Volume XLVIII - No. 2 (Whole Number 190) Winter 2022; St. Thomas, 2022

Autoren: Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Schlagworte: Italien Italy & Colonies Study Circle


Luciano Maria : 1933 - 36 - Ethiopia invaded and ruled by the Italians
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 2 (Whole Number 190) Winter 2022 St. Thomas 2022

# Äthiopien

Giorgio Migliavacca : At the Twilight of the 18th Century: A Pavia Postman claims his pay
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 2 (Whole Number 190) Winter 2022 St. Thomas 2022

# Pavia

Alan Becker : Postal Services across the Straits of Messina on the east coast of Sicily
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 2 (Whole Number 190) Winter 2022 St. Thomas 2022

# Schiffspost # Sizilien # Messina

Martyn Cusworth : Two Intersting L.A.T.I. covers
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 2 (Whole Number 190) Winter 2022 St. Thomas 2022

# L.A.T.I. - Linee Aeree Transcontinentali Italiane