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The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020)

; Neulingen, 2020

Autoren: Tobias Zywietz Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Lagerort: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Schlagworte: Naher und Mittlerer Osten, Arabische Welt Middle East Philatelic Bulletin


Tobias Zywietz : 1943 First Day Covers from Syria: Dr. Hoexter, Mr. Flouty and the Mystery of a Dead President
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Syrien

David K. Smith : Bon Samaritain (Khan al - Hathrur)III
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Palästina

Martin Lovegrove : Forgeries of the 1923/24 Transjordan Overprint of the Makka Arms Issue of Hedjaz
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Saudi Arabien / Hedschas / Nedschd # Ostjordanland

Bernd-Dieter Buscke : Jordanian Postmarks of Maan (II)
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Stempel # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Avo Kaplanian : Late use of te British Mandate Postmark of Nablus: Paarallel Use of the First Jordanian Postmarks?
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Stempel # Jordanien # Palästina # Ostjordanland

Tobias Zywietz : Photographs from the Jerusalem I Overprinting Process at Greek Convent Press, August 1920 (II): The Visiting Card of Modestos Sapuntjoglou
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Jerusalem / Gerusalemme

Tobias Zywietz : Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Palästina # Postgeschichte

Bernd-Dieter Buscke : The All - Arabic Jordanian West Bank Censor Markings (II)
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Zensur # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Leonhard Döderlein : The Austrian Postz Office in Cesme (Tschesme)
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Türkei / Osmanisches Reich # Österreichische Post in der Levante

Richard B. Rose Aram Daregobian : The Gülnihal: A Turkish Hospital Ship
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Türkei / Osmanisches Reich

Jos M. Strengholt : The Heliopolis Philatelists Club (1937 - 1938)
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Philatelie / Philateliegeschichte

Jens Warnecke : The Red Crescent Aid Organisations in Islamic Countries
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 15 (Summer 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Islamismus / Islam # Rotes Kreuz