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fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021; St. Thomas, 2021

Autoren: Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Schlagworte: Italien Italy & Colonies Study Circle


Alan Becker : Letters of 1854 and 1860: A glimpse of life in 1854
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021 St. Thomas 2021

# Vorphilatelie / Altbriefkunde

Danilo Bogoni : Poste Italiane acquires Nexive
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021 St. Thomas 2021

# Private Postdienstleister # Poste italiane

David Lee : Revenue Stamps of Italian Eritrea
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021 St. Thomas 2021

# Eritrea # Fiskalmarken / Stempelmarken

Paolo Vaccari : The Gronchi rosa forgeries
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021 St. Thomas 2021

# Gronchi rosa # Giovanni Gronchi

Martino Laurenzi : Throwing an anglo - Neapolitan Stone in the Postal History Pond
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021 St. Thomas 2021

# Vorphilatelie / Altbriefkunde # Postgeschichte

Emilio Calcagno : Vaccination: A big topic in the news
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVII - No. 2 (Whole Number 188) Spring 2021 St. Thomas 2021

# Vorphilatelie / Altbriefkunde