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fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022; ohne Ort, 2022

Autoren: Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Schlagworte: Italien Italy & Colonies Study Circle


Alan Becker : An interesting Envelope?
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022 ohne Ort 2022
Giorgio Migliavacca : Carlo Cittadini - From Shrewd Social Climber to Postmaster General of the State of Milan
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022 ohne Ort 2022

# Mailand

Gerhard Lang-Valchs : Count Giulio Cesare Bonasi and old allegations of fraud
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022 ohne Ort 2022

# Fälschungen (zum Schaden der Sammler)

Luciano Maria : Italian East Africa Official Mail captured by Britisch Forces
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022 ohne Ort 2022

# Zweiter Weltkrieg # Italienisch Ostafrika # Zensur # Großbritannien # Afrika

Francesco Giuliani : The first to write an Italian Philatelic Monograph was Pio Fabri
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022 ohne Ort 2022

# Philatelistische Literatur / Philatelistische Büchereien

Alan Becker : Two Interesting seals from 1860s
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle Volume XLVIII - No. 3 (Whole Number 192) Summer 2022 ohne Ort 2022

# Toskana (Großherzogtum) # Bahnpost / Eisenbahn