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The JerusalemStamps Bulletin of Research and Information on all Periods & aspects of philately and postal history of the Holy Land

Issue #1 / May 2020; ohne Ort, 2022

Schlagworte: Jerusalem / Gerusalemme Postgeschichte Zeitschriften (philatelistische) Geschichte


Alex Ben Arieh : 1948 era "Doar Sadeh" Military Mail & Postal History of the Israel Police
in: The JerusalemStamps Bulletin of Research and Information on all Periods & aspects of philately and postal history of the Holy Land Issue #1 / May 2020 ohne Ort 2022

# Feldpost # Postgeschichte # Israel # The Police

Alex Ben Arieh : Legalized Taxi Mail & the Hidden Histoy of the Haifa Head Post Office in April - Mai 1948
in: The JerusalemStamps Bulletin of Research and Information on all Periods & aspects of philately and postal history of the Holy Land Issue #1 / May 2020 ohne Ort 2022

# Israel

Alex Ben Arieh : Start of the WWII Army Postal Concession
in: The JerusalemStamps Bulletin of Research and Information on all Periods & aspects of philately and postal history of the Holy Land Issue #1 / May 2020 ohne Ort 2022

# Palästina

Alex Ben Arieh : The "Crown Agents Requision Books" Compilation is Incomplete - Use with Caution
in: The JerusalemStamps Bulletin of Research and Information on all Periods & aspects of philately and postal history of the Holy Land Issue #1 / May 2020 ohne Ort 2022

# Palästina # Philatelistische Literatur / Philatelistische Büchereien