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Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020

Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati; Mailand, 2020

Schlagworte: Postgeschichte Zeitschriften (philatelistische) Geschichte


Ferdinando Giudici : 1870 - 2020: 150 Years ago "Airmail" was born
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Ballonpost

Yehuda Kleiner : A review of the private postal service of Santelli and Micciarelli 1846/1847
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Alexandria (Ägypten) # Beirut # Private Postdienstleister # Türkei / Osmanisches Reich

Klaus Weis : Intercontinental Shipping routes for Australia & New Zealand from sailing around the continents to overland mails
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Schiffspost # Neuseeland # Australien / Australischer Bund

Rocco Cassandri Martino Laurenzi : Rear Admiral Sir Rodney Mundy and General Giuseppe Geribaldi or the British involvement in the unification of Italy
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Risorgimento # Giuseppe Garibaldi # Italien # Großbritannien

Danny Kin Chi Wong : Taiwan Postal History to 1895
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Postgeschichte # Taiwan / Formosa

Thomas Mathà : The discreet charm of Postal History
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Postgeschichte

Federico Borromeo D´Adda : Trentino South Tyrol The Field Post during the Napoleonic Era
in: Posthorn Magazine of International Postal History No 03 - December 2020 Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati Mailand 2020

# Südtirol # Trentino # Feldpost # Napoleon Bonaparte