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fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle

VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014; St. Thomas, 2014

Autoren: Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Schlagworte: Italien Italy & Colonies Study Circle


Maria Marchetti Luciano Maria : Correspondence of Italian Prisoners of War in Ethiopia during WWII
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Kriegsgefangene II.WK # Äthiopien

John F. Gilbert : FIUME; The Elusive Post Office 4 (Public Gardens)
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Fiume / Rijeka

Marc Parren : Greek - Italian War 1940 - 1941: Italian Prisoner of War Mail
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Zweiter Weltkrieg # Kriegsgefangene II.WK # Griechenland

Giorgio Migliavacca : Italian Inventor created first meter mark machine
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Postfreistempel

Giorgio Migliavacca : Technique perfected by Turinese Prining Professional used to produce the stamps of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Toskana (Großherzogtum)

Giorgio Migliavacca : The Globetrotting Scarselle
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Francesco di Marco Datini

Mario Cartoni : The singular postal history of a singular island: Castelrosso
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Castelrosso / Castellorizza / Kastelorizo # Postgeschichte

Alan Becker : The Three - Line VIA DI MARE entry Marks of the Ligurian Ports
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Stempel

John Davies : Undated Mail from the UK to Italy
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Italien # Großbritannien

David Trapnell : Zona dOperazione Sprovvista di Francobolli
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XL - No. 4 (Whole Number 162) Autumn 2014 St. Thomas 2014

# Stempel # Barfreimachung / Taxe Percue