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fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle

VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016; St. Thomas, 2016

Autoren: Italy & Colonies Study Circle

Schlagworte: Italien Italy & Colonies Study Circle


Francesco Orlando : A.M.G.O.T. 1943: The Resumption of Postal Service in Sicily
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016

# Sizilien # Amgot / Allierte Militärregierung / Allierte Militärpost

Ivan Martinaš Nenad Rogina : Fiume Forgeries - Detection and Identification
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016

# Fiume / Rijeka # Fälschungen (zum Schaden der Sammler)

Danilo Bogoni : Is the road to hell paved with good intentions?
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016
Beniamino Cadioli : Mail - Censorship during the Italo - Ethiopian War 1935 - 1936
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016

# Äthiopien # Zensur

Francesco Luraschi Clemente Fedele : Newspaper in the Mail
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016

# Postzeitung / Zeitungen von der Post

Giorgio Migliavacca David Trapnell : The use of Airgraphs and Air Mail by Italian POWs in the UK during World War 2
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016

# Flugpost / Luftpost / Aerophilatelie # Kriegsgefangene II.WK # Großbritannien # Airgraphs / V - Mail

John Davies : Two New Types of Cancellation
in: fil - Italia. The Official Journal of the Italy & Colonies Study Circle VOLUME XLII - No. 2 (Whole Number 168) Spring 2016 St. Thomas 2016

# Stempel