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The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019)

; Neulingen, 2019

Autoren: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Lagerort: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Schlagworte: Naher und Mittlerer Osten, Arabische Welt Middle East Philatelic Bulletin


Jos M. Strengholt : A Curious 1933 Heliopolis Cover
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Ägypten

Robert Stuchell : A rare Ottoman Cover from Amman, 1918
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Türkei / Osmanisches Reich # Jordanien

Otto Graf : A Thessaly Cover with Surprises
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Türkei / Osmanisches Reich

Folkert Bruining : Amman - Dar a T.P.O. Postmark Indexes
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Bahnpost / Eisenbahn # Stempel # Jordanien

Bernd-Dieter Buscke : Another Printing Variety of Jordans 35 Fils Air Letter
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Ganzsachen # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Rainer Fuchs : Iraq Railway Post Stamps: The Booklet of the First Issue
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Irak / Iraq # Markenheftchen

Avo Kaplanian : Jordans Stampless Air Letter Sheets
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Ganzsachen # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Avo Kaplanian : Late Use of Jordanian Postal Forms in the Israeli Occupied West Bank: an Addendum
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Jordanien # Ostjordanland # Israel

Wolfgang Elsner : Late Use of Jordanian Postal Forms in the Israeli Occupied West Bank: Numbered P.O. Cachets
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Jordanien # Ostjordanland # Israel

Tobias Zywietz : Photographs from the Jerusalem I Overprinting Process at Greek Convent Press, August 1920
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Jerusalem / Gerusalemme # Palästina

Tobias Zywietz : Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Palästina # Postgeschichte

Tobias Zywietz : The Danish Missionary Society in Syria II: A cover from Syria to Denmark
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Dänemark # Syrien

Bernd-Dieter Buscke : The End of a Legend: The "lost" First Jordanian Postmark of Nablus
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Stempel # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Siegfried Ascher : The French Consular Issues of 1948. A Critical View
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Jerusalem / Gerusalemme

Tobias Zywietz : The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem on Historical Photographs: New Hints
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Jerusalem / Gerusalemme # Geschichte

Hakan Berkil : Turkey 1897: Overprint Error "Cniq" on Cover
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 13 (Winter2019) Neulingen 2019

# Türkei / Osmanisches Reich