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The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020)

; Neulingen, 2020

Autoren: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Lagerort: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Schlagworte: Naher und Mittlerer Osten, Arabische Welt Middle East Philatelic Bulletin


Tobias Zywietz : Egypt Essays, Proofs and Varieties from the Joseph Chalhoub Collection
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Ägypten # Essays / Entwürfe

John K. Courtis : From Scotland to Sudan: A Tale of a Great Britain Post Office Postal Stationery Wrapper
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Ganzsachen # Großbritannien # Sudan # Streifbänder / Wrappers # Scotland / Schottland

Rainer Fuchs : Iraq Railway Post Stamps: The Booklet of the Fith Issue
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Bahnpost / Eisenbahn # Irak / Iraq # Markenheftchen

Wolfgang Leimenstoll : Jordan: New 2019 Commemorative Reply Coupon
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Internationale Antwortscheine # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Avo Kaplanian : Jordanian Postmarks of Maan
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Stempel # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Neil Williams Mike Pettifor : Registration Etiquettes and Cachets used in the Aden Protectorate States
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Einschreiben / R - Zettel # Aden

Lee Coen : Reprints of Irans 1906 "Service Intérieur" Surcharges
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Studien zu einzelnen Marken / Markenserien # Iran / Persien

Marc Parren : Request for Information: 1983 Israeli Censorship on West Bank Mails
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Zensur # Israel

Avo Kaplanian : The All - Arabic Jordanian West Bank Censor Markings
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Zensur # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Rolf Wernecke : The Imperial Reply Coupons of Palestine
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Internationale Antwortscheine # Palästina

Jos M. Strengholt : The Postal History of Heliopolis 1990 - 1952
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Ägypten # Postgeschichte

Ernst Johann Schmitz : The Postal Services in Palestine 1913
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 14 (Spring 2020) Neulingen 2020

# Palästina