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The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021)

; Neulingen, 2021

Autoren: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Lagerort: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Schlagworte: Naher und Mittlerer Osten, Arabische Welt Middle East Philatelic Bulletin


Tobias Zywietz : Beware the Certificate: Anatolia to Austria 1871 Untaxed
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Österreich # Prüfwesen # Türkei / Osmanisches Reich

Schalk W. de Klerk : From Britain to India by Imperial Airways: The First Steps
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Flugpost / Luftpost / Aerophilatelie # Großbritannien # Indien

Tobias Zywietz : Mission Bopp: Persia via Baghdad 1916
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Iran / Persien # Irak / Iraq

Adel Al-Sarraf : More Interesting Proofs and Essays of (Trans)Jordan
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Jordanien # Ostjordanland # Essays / Entwürfe

Phil Le Page : More Lebenon Gum Side Surcharges
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Libanon

Avo Kaplanian : More World Refugge Year Palestine Slogan Markings
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Palästina # Propaganda

Hans Paul Soetens : Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Zensur # Türkei / Osmanisches Reich

Tobias Zywietz : Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Palästina # Postgeschichte

Tobias Zywietz : The international Replay Coupons of Mandated Syria (Syria, Latakia, Lebenon)1926 - 1946
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Internationale Antwortscheine # Syrien

Avo Kaplanian : The Modern Definitive Revenue Stamps of Jordan 1995 - 2020
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Fiskalmarken / Stempelmarken # Jordanien # Ostjordanland

Hubert Gerzabek : Turkey: 1917: Ox Head Overprints on Cover
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Türkei / Osmanisches Reich

Alex Ben Arieh : Use with Caution: How Comprehensive is Norman J. Collins: "The Crown Agents Requisition Books"?
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 19 (Winter 2021) Neulingen 2021

# Palästina