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The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015)

Neulingen, 2015

Autoren: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Lagerort: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin

Schlagworte: Middle East Philatelic Bulletin Naher und Mittlerer Osten, Arabische Welt


Jean-Bernard Parenti : Air Mail Service in French Cilicia 1920
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Flugpost / Luftpost / Aerophilatelie # Cilicien

Dick Scheper : An Introduction to Perfins of the Levant
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Perfins, Lochungen

Tobias Zywietz : Postal History and Related Notices from the Official Gazettes for Palestine
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Postgeschichte / Kommunikationsgeschichte # Palästina

Tobias Zywietz : The 2012 Christmas Stamps of the Palestinian National Authority
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Palästina # Weihnachten

Rainer Fuchs : The Kingdom of Kurdistan 1922 - 1924
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Kurdistan

Tobias Zywietz : The Mail Robbery between Jaffa and Jerusalem - - in March 1912
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Jerusalem / Gerusalemme # Palästina # Postraub

Tobias Zywietz : The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem on Historical Photographs
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Jerusalem / Gerusalemme # Geschichte

Tobias Zywietz : The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Ansichtskarten # Palästina

Jürgen Glietsch : The Provisional Postmark of the Italian Military Post Office in Smyrna in 1922
in: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin 1 (Autumn 2015) Neulingen 2015

# Smyrna / Izmir # Stempel