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The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927

A Magazine of International Labour; London, 1927

Autoren: The Labour Monthly

Lagerort: Labour Monthly

Schlagworte: The Labour Monthly


W.N. Ewer : After the Break
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Scott Nearing : American Imperialism in the Caribbean
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
R. Page Arnot : Anglo - American Rivalry
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Max Levien : Bertrand Russell and Modern Physics
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Max Levien : Bertrand Russell and Modern Physics
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
W.N. Ewer : Britain, Italy, and the East
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Italien

A.N. Bhaduri : British War Preparations in India
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Manuel Lopez : Capitalism and the Novel
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
U. Zimring : Capitalism and Trade Unionsm in Egypt
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Ägypten

Clemens Dutt : Capitalist Exploitation in Indian Agriculture
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Landwirtschaft

Clemens Dutt : Capitalist Exploitation in Indian Agriculture
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Landwirtschaft

W. J. Brown : Civil Servants and the Trade Union Bill
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Scott Nearing : Crow´s Nest pass
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Ralph Fox : Great Britain and China
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
W.N. Ewer : Imperial Defence
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Victoris Codovilla : Imperialist Oppression in Latin America
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Victoris Codovilla : Imperialist Penetration in South America
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Shapurji Sakratvala : India and Britain
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
: Italian Imperialism
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Italien

Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin : Joseph Dietzgen
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Joseph Dietzgen

A. Miller : Labour Conditions in Western Canada
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Ernst Toller : Max Hoelz
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Tom Mann : My Visit to China
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin : Neo - Malthusianism and the Working Class
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
W.N. Ewer : New Ententes for Old
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
R. P. Anschutz : New Zealand and the empire
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Neuseeland

J. R. Campbell : Possibilities of 1928
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
W.N. Ewer : Sir Austen von Hindenburg
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Karl A. Wittfogel : The Agrarian Revoluton in China
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Landwirtschaft

Earl Browder : The Brankruptcy of American Trade Unionism
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Earl Browder : The Chinese Revolution turns left
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
: The Communist Party and the Miners´ Fight
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Harry Pollitt : The Conference of Executives
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
A. J. Cook : The Conflict of Ideas in British Trade Unionism
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Emile Burns : The Congress of Workers´ Delegations in Moscow
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
J. Fineberg : The Driving Forces of the Chinese Revolution
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Maurice Dobb : The Economic Progress of U.S.S.R.
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Harry Pollitt : The Edinborough Congress
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Alexej I. Rykow : The Foreign Policy of the U.S.S.R.
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
R. Coppock : The Government Trade Union Bill
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Alexej I. Rykow : The Home Policy of Soviet Union
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Philip Spratt : The Indian Trade Union Movement
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
J. Wilenkin : The industrial Development of The U.S.A.
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Bernard Houghton : The Isolation of India
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Manabrenda Nath Roy : The Lessons of the Chinese Revolution
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Arthur Horner : The Miners´ Fight Continues
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
R. Page Arnot : The Miners´ Struggle and international Unity
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin : The Most Urgent Tasks of Our Movement
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Arthur Horner : The Need for one Mineworkers´ Union
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
: The New Britisch Delusion
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Clements Kadalie : The Old and the New Africa
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Emile Burns : The Outlook for British Capitalism
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Harry Pollitt : The Paris Congress of the I.F.T.U.
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927

# Paris

R. Page Arnot : The Russian Revolution
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
A. J. Cook : The Russian Revolution and the British Workers
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
J. R. Campbell : The Trade Union Bill and the Break with Russia
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Harry Pollitt : The Trade Unions Bill - A plan of Action
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin : The Working Class as the Champion of Democracy
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Nikolai Bucharin : The World Revolution and the U.S.S.R.
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin : To the Fighters in the October Revolution
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
W. H. Hutchinson : Trade Unions and the Law
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Earl Browder : Wages and Working Conditions in China
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Clemens Dutt : War Preparation and the T.U.C.
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
Scott Nearing : What´s ahead in the Caribbean?
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927
E. R. Roux : White and Coloured Workers in South Africa
in: The Labour Monthly. Volume 9, January to December 1927 A Magazine of International Labour London 1927