Aus meiner persönlichen Bibliothek

Buch Cover

Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History

Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste; Paris, 2007

Autoren: Muriel Le Roux

Schlagworte: Postgeschichte / Kommunikationsgeschichte


Olivier Bataille : European influence on postal reform in the 19th century France
in: Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste Paris 2007

# Frankreich

Nicolas Verdier Anne Bretagnolle : Expanding the network of postal routes in France 1708 - 1833
in: Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste Paris 2007

# Frankreich

Bernard Allaire : Formal procedures for sending official correspondence to and from Canada during the colonial period (17th to 18th century)
in: Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste Paris 2007

# Canada / Kanada

Eva Ring : The Hungarian Post Office and Travel Narratives in the 18th and 19th Centuries
in: Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste Paris 2007

# Ungarn / Ungarische Reichshälfte

Antonio Aquilar Perez : The organization of postal services in the border areas between France and Spain
in: Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste Paris 2007

# Frankreich # Spanien / Spanischer Bürgerkrieg

Klaus Beyrer : The Revolution of the German Mail Coach System in the early 19th century
in: Post Offices of Europe. 19th - 21st Century. A Comparative History Comité pour lHistoire de la Poste Paris 2007

# Fahr - und Reitpost